Ignite your New Business Idea (with Proven Business Concepts)

According to Companies House, over 190,000 companies have started up in the UK during lockdown. They’re in good company with Disney, Microsoft, HP, IBM, and Electronic Arts, all starting during a recession. Their growth and size are the exception to the rule however, with companies who start during a recession, tending to start on a smaller […]
Six Simple Financial Practices to Not Run Away From … Again

What is simple to implement can make such an impact on you and your business. Reaching the mid part of the year becomes a time to look back and recognise how far you have come. Have you hit your financial targets or has the disruption knocked you off your stride? In this article, I will […]
Find Untapped Gold In Multiple Income Streams

Consciously creating or discovering new revenue streams can be the saviour of businesses and open up a wealth of opportunity. Relying on one individual revenue stream can be a risky strategy. It is of course how most of our businesses will start, but the sooner you can diversify the different services or products you sell, […]
Accept Change. How To Adapt Your Business Plan To Be Stronger

There is no reason not to plan. Now is the time to go back to basics and identify the challenges and brighter horizons for your business. With the immediate panic behind us – and some very long hours worked – clients are now asking how we should adjust our business plan to account for this […]
How To Step Up When It Comes To Cash Flow & Be Here Next Year

The money flowing in and out of your business is integral to your future right now. I want to offer you some real knowledge about money and cashflow, right now. Let me help you steer your ship to a healthy destination. It’s Safe To Say You Are Probably A Little Worried About Cash Right Now […]
Why the FD Role is So Much More than Just Finance

Roles and responsibilities don’t have to be pigeon-holed just because it has a name attached to it. I have been working as a Part-Time Finance Director (FD) for over two years now. I’ve heard myself described as a Part-Time FD, an FD On Demand, a Flexible FD and a Freelance FD. Take your pick to […]
Planning Doesn’t Have to be a Fearsome Task

Business planning can strike fear into many Small Business Owners. However, it doesn’t need to be a daunting task for you to shy away from. In fact, it should enthuse and inspire you. Now presents a good time to reset the clock. Set your targets and go again. With a fresh start and renewed optimism. […]
What does a fractional Finance Director (FD) do?

Fractional Finance Director (FD), Portfolio FD, FD On Demand, Part Time Finance Director (FD) – or switch out the FD for CFO (Chief Financial Officer) – I have heard multiple terms to describe or request what I do. A fractional Finance Director provides companies who do not need, nor can necessarily afford a full-time finance […]
Agency Life: Agency or Studio or Freelancer? That is the question …

A question I get asked from time to time is what’s the difference between an Agency and a Studio and is it just about the prices they charge or number of employees? Here’s my explanation, and I will add Freelancers to this question too. There clearly are some blurred lines between a freelancer and a […]
What is GAP Analysis

It’s that time of year when many of you will be bringing your Business Plans into the current and formulating this year’s strategy. One stage of this process that you shouldn’t overlook is called GAP Analysis. GAP being an acronym of nothing, and literally meaning the word Gap, simply refers to the gap between your […]